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Get Involved Now

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The need for your help has never been greater!
80 years later, they are on the march again, led by another brutal dictator with global ambitions. Turning to rubble churches, maternity hospitals and bomb shelters. Murdering women and children trying to flee. Starving to death babies, elderly and disabled by cutting off food, water and medical supplies.


And they will not stop, until stopped. Because Russia's goals go beyond territorial gains in Ukraine. They are aimed at conquering neighboring democratic states to expand Putin's authoritarian empire.


Like the Greatest Generation before us, it is now our time to stand up to tyranny and aggression 


For us, Americans, watching this global crisis from the sidelines is not an option. Because supporting Freedom and Humanity is in our DNA. Please join this noble cause by making your contribution to the Heart & Valor 

Ukraine Lifeline Fund.


We greatly appreciate your

generosity and support!

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