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Heart & Valor Foundation

Who we are 


The Heart & Valor Foundation was formed in March of 2022 by ordinary Americans who couldn't watch from the sidelines the methodical slaughter of innocent Ukrainian civilians by the fascist Russian invaders.


Shocked by the brutal assault on the peaceful Ukrainian nation, outraged at the annihilation of entire cities, heartbroken by the suffering of millions and horrified with the scale of Russian war crimes... we went to work. 


What we do 


By organizing high-profile fundraising events, we are building critically needed public awareness and support for Ukraine, raising funds for rehabilitation of injured Ukrainian children and helping severely wounded Ukrainian soldiers get back on their feet.


Run entirely by volunteers, Heart & Valor doesn't have any corporate or political interests and affiliations. Our only goal is helping Ukrainian people survive and recover.


Please join us by making a donation and thank you for your support!

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